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Research department of ionizing radiation metrology (NIO-4)

The Research Department of Ionizing Radiation Metrology (NIO-4) is a structural subdivision of FSUE «VNIIFTRI», which performs works in the field of measuring the characteristics of fields and sources of ionizing radiation.

The main functions of the department:

  • center of state standards in the field of measurements of ionizing radiation (IR);
  • organization of Rosstandart for metrological support of IR measurements at nuclear industry enterprises;
  • state center for testing the IR measuring instruments;
  • body for verification and calibration of IR measuring instruments;
  • center for scientific and methodological support of radiation control laboratories;
  • maintaining the secretariat of TC 15 / PC 1 «Ionizing radiation measuring instruments applied in medicine» of the International Organization of Legal Metrology OIML;
  • departmental information and analytical center for state system of accounting and control of radioactive substances and waste and for recognizing organizations as suitable to operate radiation sources;
  • the departmental information and analytical center of Rosstandart in terms of methodological guideline in the field of metrological support of radiation sources of metrological purposes, examination of application materials for recognizing organizations as suitable to operate radiation sources and carry out activities for handling radioactive substances, preparing conclusions on them and collecting information from operating organizations about meeting the safety requirements and the availability and state of the work funding source for the decommissioning of each of the radiation sources.

Key objectives of NIO-4:

  • measurements of absorbed doses and dose equivalents of photon, electron and neutron radiation, carried out when monitoring the radiation safety of personnel and population, in radiation therapy and radiation diagnosis of diseases, in radiation technologies;
  • measurements of the activity of radionuclides in radiation sources, in various environments and objects, carried out when monitoring pollution of the environment and human environment, when monitoring materials, products and production wastes, as well as in practice and scientific research;
  • measurements of the characteristics of radiation fields at nuclear reactors, neutron generators, accelerators and other nuclear-physical installations, carried out during the development and operation of nuclear power facilities and simulators during radiation tests of materials and products.
GET 38-2011. State primary standard of units of absorbed dose and absorbed dose rate of photon and electron radiation
GET 38-2011. State primary standard of units of absorbed dose and absorbed dose rate of photon and electron radiation

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